Lynn Turner

Relationship and

Process Development

Ravi Kulkarni and Lynn Turner formed Clear Vision Alliance to offer focused programs to help businesses achieve growth without losing focus on profitability. Lynn Turner brings to this alliance a wealth of experience, knowledge and skills.

Ravi specializes in “bottom-line” coaching helping businesses achieve growth without losing sight on profitability.  Ravi’s approach involves assisting organizations create clarity and focus, strategize, plan action and organize self sustaining management processes in a technologically changing and ethnically diverse market. More about Ravi....

Lynn Turner is an executive coach with a diverse corporate and business background.  She specializes in “human capital coaching” helping organizations maximize the strengths of their employees; thus improving their overall morale and productivity. Focusing on the areas of leadership, work-life balance and collaboration, Lynn helps organizations strengthen their internal and external communication skills by building trust and harmony at all levels.

More about Lynn.....

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Ravi Kulkarni


Strategy and Planning